Peter Aubrey
Peter Aubrey from Big Pete’s Magic Treats
After speaking to the team and finding out they could sort out not only all my future accounts, but also the past few months as well AND I could spread the cost, they looked like an excellent choice.

I can’t now remember exactly how long I have been with Mazuma, it’s been quite a few years, but I can tell you I made the perfect choice!
They are professional, polite and manage somehow to explain things and answer my questions so even I can understand them.
Basically, I collect all my incoming and outgoing invoices, print off my bank statements and PayPal receipts, and every month I pop them into the supplied Freepost envelope and post them off.
A few days later I get an email telling me they are being processed and a few days later again I get my accounts all professionally sorted out in an easy to understand format.
Another great bonus is that I am never 100% sure what I can or can’t claim for, and they sort this out too, sending me back the things I can’t claim for.
My life would be so much harder and more stressful without them. Thank you Mazuma….I love you!
– Pete Aubery from Big Pete’s Magic Treats