Collaboration Opportunities
Annual Client Transfer
At Mazuma we’re committed to helping you make money from all of your client base
Not all clients are the right clients…
Within every practice is a section of clients that don’t fit.
Perhaps they refuse to submit their documents to you on time, adopt software properly, or have expectations far beyond the fee they’re willing to pay.

How can we work together?
As practice owners, our choices to date to deal with these clients have been:
- Increase our fees until they leave
- Politely ask them to find another accountant
- Keep servicing them and feel resentful about it
In our experience, we see option 3 as the most common choice!
It’s not your fault, and you’re not alone. As accountants, we want to help our clients, no matter how much they don’t align with our overall business goals. We want to make their lives easier.

An alternative to outsourcing or offshoring work
Now there is a better way…
What if you could let a trusted partner handle the day-to-day relationship and compliance for your poor fit clients? And in return, you’re paid a revenue share every time the client pays.
With our proprietary technology, we are able to expertly handle the sort of clients that give you headaches, and have the efficiency of scale to pay you a fee. It’s a win-win – we do the thing we’re great at, while you get to focus on your ideal client base, all while earning a passive income.