The benefits of an accounting subscription

Did you know that back in 2006, it was we at Mazuma that invented the subscription model in accountancy? That’s right, Lucy Cohen, at the age of 23, realised that the market had stagnated and that it was time to disrupt the status quo.
Of course, back in 2006 no one had really heard of subscription services for everyday things.
We bought our music in music shops, when to BlockBuster for our movie rentals, and would never have dreamed of our pet food being delivered once a month for a reasonable direct debit payment.
Even today, in the accountancy world, subscriptions are relatively uncommon. Yes, there are people who offer fixed monthly fees. And a lot of accountants still do once-a-year billing. But finding a great subscription can offer you many benefits as a small business owner.
As a small business, you have plenty to think about – all the time! You wear the marketing hat, the sales hat, the office cleaner hat; you name it and a small business owner has to do it. Dealing with your accounts and tax can feel like a step too far for many entrepreneurs. After all, you started your business to showcase your unique abilities, not to spend your time faffing around with tax returns and bookkeeping.
On-demand accountancy for a new generation of businesses
That’s why we invented a subscription for accounting services for small businesses. Instead of visiting an accountant once a year, with little ongoing input and unknown bills, you can pay a small monthly fee and benefit from the value a year-round accountant can bring to your business for a fraction of the cost of hiring one full or part-time.
If you are running a lifestyle business, or just want to make sure that all of your accounts and tax compliance is sorted, a subscription can offer you the peace of mind of knowing that all the statutory stuff is handled, without you needing to remember when to engage an accountant or having any uncertainty over fees and eventual tax bills.
The benefits of an accounting subscription
In the same way that, say, an Amazon Prime subscription offers the convenience of next-day delivery at any time, a subscription to an accountancy service gives you access to all the added value an accountant can bring your business while keeping the cash flow spread out. No more big, unexpected bills or added costs; it’s all bundled into a neat subscription that is paid by direct debit. A true subscription means that there are no minimum contract lengths or tie-ins. Just on-demand accountancy for a new generation of businesses.
So perhaps it’s time to consider what else in your life can be on subscription? After all, magazine subscriptions have been around since the late 1800s – so it’s amazing that it’s taken this long for other professionals to catch on. Nowadays, you can find a subscription for everything from accountancy to cars, and blue ticks to tea. Maybe it’s time you embraced a new subscription in your life!