5 benefits of working with online accountants

Are you struggling to decide whether to use an online accountant? Whether you’re freelance, have your own business, or you’re a sole trader, we all need an accountant at some point. Finding one may seem like looking through a fog, but look no further: using an online accountant like Mazuma will make your life much easier, leaving you to spend time on your own the things that matter.
So what exactly are some of the benefits of using an online accountant?
It will free up your time …
Our experts can help you without the need to waste energy travelling to face to face meetings. Just think – no need to leave your own work and trudge to an office somewhere just so that you can sort out your finances. When you use an online accountant, everything is taken care of digitally, leaving your time free to focus on what really matters – running your business.
…and save you money
Online accountants recognise that cost is at the forefront of business minds, which is why we offer a reasonable price for our service! Unlike traditional accountants, our monthly accountancy package costs just £32 per month plus VAT. By cutting our costs in the way we manage and handle your accounts (i.e. not spending hours and hours in meetings!), we’re able to pass these shiny savings on to you. No unnecessary work and meetings means time efficiency and lower prices for our clients. You’re welcome!
Declutter your workspace
How much time, energy and space are you using for your finances on top of all the other demands of your work? Do you ever find your workspace filled with papers and other work-related items? Now, imagine how good you’d feel without all that paperwork hanging around. Ahhh, heaven… A clear view of your workspace leads to a clear mind and extra productivity. It’s a win-win! If you choose to go completely paper-free, your planet will thank you too.
When you use an online accountant, all of your financial documents will be dealt with away from your desk, so you can keep your workspace free of unnecessary papers.
Our App will make things so easy
As an online accountant, it’s no surprise that we try to keep at the forefront of digital innovations! So, in addition to being able use our purple envelope service, we also provide our customers with the option to use the Mazuma App. The app streamlines all of your finance affairs, allowing you to easily submit your receipts and other financial documents. As everything is digital, and easy to manage, we save you hassle and give you the opportunity to have us manage your financial needs on the go. This has always been super important, but never more so than now what with MTD – the UK Government initiative to ‘Make Tax Digital’ – coming in to play soon.
Got a question about Making Tax Digital? Get in touch with Mazuma today to make sure your business is compliant!
Although you can hand over all of your money matters to us, the way you choose to do this is ultimately down to you. At Mazuma, we want to make everything as easy and hassle free for you as possible. We may be an online accountant, but we’ve been in the business long enough to know that everyone is different. So you can still send us paperwork in the post using our purple envelope. Or you can use our app. Or you can email us images. It really is up to you!
Contact Mazuma
Whatever you need to do, we’re always happy to help. Contact us today to get a free no-obligation quote. In no time at all, the benefits of using an online accountant will be as clear as a breath of fresh air!