How the Purple Envelopes work
An Accountant in your Post Box
Okay, not actually in your post box – but you get the drift!
To simplify your online accounting experience with Mazuma, we use Freepost purple envelopes to collect your financial information. You can send invoices, expenses, receipts, and bank statements in these envelopes and post them to us at the end of every month.
There are plenty of sole traders and small businesses out there for whom using an app or a piece of software is a massive pain in the neck. Sure, other Accountants might push you down that route because it suits them – but it creates stress, admin, and extra work for you.
At Mazuma we’ll never ask you to spend time transferring your data entry into software or even numbering your receipts.
All you have to do is pop all your invoices, expenses, receipts, and bank statements into your Freepost purple envelope every month. Then we’ll do the rest.
Every month your dedicated Accountant will do your bookkeeping, management accounts, provide advice, and a handy tax bill projection so that there are no nasty surprises later on in the year.
All you have to do is pop to the nearest post box.

How to Use Our Purple Envelope Service
It couldn’t be simpler to document your finances with our purple envelope service. When you sign up with us, here’s what you’ll do:
1 - Receive Your Purple Envelope
As a Mazuma customer, you’ll receive purple envelopes in the post from our team. As soon as you receive your first envelope, you start using it straight away.

2 - Collect Your Documents
How do you usually collect your financial documents? If you’re like many small business owners, you’ll be guilty of having receipts and invoices littered around your store or work vehicle.
Mazuma’s purple envelopes make it much easier to keep your finances in order. Simply stash your invoices, receipts, expenses, and bank statements in your envelope at the end of every working day.

3 - Send Your Purple Envelope
When you reach the end of the month, it’s time to offload your purple envelope. No need to deal with mounds of paperwork yourself – simply pop your envelope in the post box and send it back to us. And don’t worry – we pay for your postage. Every penny counts, after all!

4 - Your Dedicated Accountant Does the Rest
If finances aren’t your strong point, or you just don’t want to spend hours trawling through your earnings and expenses, you’ll be happy to hear that we’ll take that job off your hands. Your dedicated accountant will deal with every aspect of your bookkeeping and accounts management, leaving you to focus on the things you enjoy.

5 - Receive Monthly Reports
After reviewing your accounts, your dedicated accountant will provide you with a tailored monthly report. They can also offer personalised advice and answer any questions you might have. Every month in the run-up to tax season, your accountant will share a handy tax bill projection based on your current earning and spending habits to prevent any nasty surprises.
What are the benefits of the purple envelopes service?
If you want to run your business without spending time on things that don’t earn you money, you need an accountant who will handle your physical paperwork for you. We’ll input your receipts, invoices and more into our industry-leading software – and all you need to do is send us your documents in the post. Saving time is the most significant benefit of using our purple envelopes service.
Do I have to pay extra for an accountant?
No. We offer an all-in-one service that includes receiving and sending your purple envelopes and having a dedicated accountant handle your bookkeeping, accounts and tax. Monthly reports and tax bill projections are also included in the price.
Why bother with keeping digital records?
If you’re old school, you might wonder why you should even send us your records for us to digitize anyway. We would suggest getting used to this because, from 2023, HMRC will mandate that all businesses and self-employed people will need to undertake digital record keeping. We don’t see why you should have to be inconvenienced by this massive shift in their goal posts – so we’ll do the hard work for you.
Why Use Purple Envelopes?

No More Disorganisation
If you’re the owner of a small business, you know all about the struggle of trying to get everything done in one day. Once you’ve dealt with all your clients or customers, cleaned away your evidence of the day’s work, and tied up any loose ends with staff, the day has finished – and there’s no time to focus on accounts.
It’s no wonder that so many small businesses fail to keep up with their bookkeeping. With Mazuma’s purple envelopes, you don’t need to worry about making sure you log your receipts before you lose them. Simply pop them in a purple envelope and send them to us at the end of the month.

Made for Small Businesses
Our simplified accounting service is designed with small businesses in mind. We want to make it easier for you to log your invoices, receipts, and other finances – without having to do much at all yourself.
We’re proud to work with thousands of small businesses across the country, and we like to think that the simplicity of our purple envelopes is what draws people in.

Dedicated Experts
When you use our purple envelope service, you’ll benefit from direct communication with your dedicated accountant. We don’t use faceless, nameless customer service reps to do your bookkeeping – you’ll have constant contact with a friendly, qualified accountant.
Your accountant won’t only handle your bookkeeping on your behalf. They’ll also provide you with monthly reports and tax bill projections, helping you to remain financially comfortable as your business grows.
New to the concept of the purple envelope? Ready to learn more? We’d love to hear from you!
Sign up with Mazuma to never deal with an ever-growing pile of receipts again.

Accounting that Works for You
Finding an Accountant who will work with physical paperwork is pretty rare nowadays. Most Accountants ask their clients to use some sort of software to help them out.
But not at Mazuma.
We have developed our industry-leading software so that you don’t have to use it (unless you want to).
You’ll receive the same awesome service from your Accountant without having to spend your time on additional and stressful admin.
And your Accountant is not just there to file your taxes and do your bookkeeping. Your subscription will cover all the support you need from your Accountant – all built into the price.

Highly secure and HMRC compliant Accounting services
When we’ve received your purple envelope we get to work on digitising your paperwork. Using our state-of-the-art high capacity scanning suite, we scan your documents and store them securely in your own private cloud.
Why do we do that?
From 2023 HMRC will mandate that all businesses and self employed people will need to undertake digital record keeping. We don’t see why you should have to be inconvenienced by this huge shift in their goal posts – so we’ll do the hard work for you.
All of our scanning and storage systems are fully HMRC compliant.
We will still return your original paperwork for you to store, but now you can access your data and reports from anywhere. And we mean anywhere. Any device, anywhere in the world.
Our secure portal means that your data is as safe as can be, and our backup regimen means that even if you lose your original paperwork or it gets damaged, your data is safe and secure in our cloud.
Our services include all the support you’ll need from your Accountant each year – all included in the price. We don’t believe in unexpected bills.